I'm working with batteries equiped with the BQ3050.
I need to make changes in the Dataflash (2nd Level Safety) for setting different values to 'Cell Imbalance Fail Voltage' and 'Cell Imbalance Time'.
To do so, I need to Write the complete Dataflash block 19.
The procedure is to write the word 0x0119 in register 0x00, than write a 32 bytes block to the register 0x2FF. (ManufacturerInput Command)
(information from SLUU485A page 102)
For some reasons, your software only accept a 1 byte long register address.
Is it a bug?
Can you please correct this and also make the field for the data big enought for a 32 bytes string?
Thank you very much.
(By the way, I'm able to do this with bqEVSW in the Pro tab but it will be more easy for me if I don't have to switch from a software to another.)
Is it a bug?
No. Check Smbus specification.
For some reasons, your software only accept a 1 byte long register address
Register length is only one byte long.
to the register 0x2FF
It is misprint in the sluua485a.
Correct register could be found on page 87.
Ok, my bad. 🙄
I tought, I was 2F for read and 2FF for writing.
I should have notice that it was strange.
Thank you very much!
Anyway, my request to increase the size of data field is still open to the dev. 😉