Buna seara,
As dori sa ma ajutati sa deblochez bateria ASUS C21N1634
(nu am nici pin description pt bateria ASUS C21N1634)
Am scos bateria din laptop si s-a blocat (nu mai incarca in ea, si se pierde CMOS ora laptop). Bateria este buna inca are 60%, cand am scos putin bateria din laptop, apoi cand am conectat-o inapoi s-a blocat.(sau am facut scurt cand am reconectat-o)
Poate aveti sugestii cum s-o deblochez.
Am vazut si alte pinout-uri pt alte baterii ASUS: si descrierea era:
Pin 1-...-8:
Ma intereseaza daca pot s-o deblochez fara aparatul tester, daca conectez
T pin la + sau la masa?
Am vazut pe internet ca uneori unele baterii se deblocheaza in felul acesta-nu am tester-ul trebuie sa incerc asa, sau dati-mi alte sugestii cum s-o deblochez
Good evening,
I would like you to help me unlock the ASUS C21N1634 battery
(I have no pin description for asus C21N1634 battery)
I removed the battery from the laptop and got stuck (no longer charge in it, and loses CMOS or laptop). The battery is still good is 60%, when I removed the battery a little from the laptop, then when I plugged it back it stuck. (or I made a short time when I reconnected it)
Maybe you have suggestions on how to unlock it.
I've seen other pinouts for other ASUS batteries: and the description was:
Pin 1-...-8:
I'm interested in whether I can unlock it without the tester, if I connect
T pin to + or to the table?
I've seen on the internet that sometimes some batteries unlock in this way - I do not have the tester I have to try like this, or give me other suggestions how to unlock it
Lets Make NLBA Great ! Together.
In order to find out whats wrong with your battery we have to analyze it first.
This can't be done without the help of NLBA.
It's the same like your car has a CHECK ENGINE light on the dashboard, there can be hundreads of reasons why, and the way to find whats the problem is to connect a scanner and read the data.
It's the same thing with your battery it has a smart chip inside that will tell us whats wrong when you read data from it with NLBA.
Buna seara,
As dori sa ma ajutati sa deblochez bateria ASUS C21N1634
(nu am nici pin description pt bateria ASUS C21N1634)
Am scos bateria din laptop si s-a blocat (nu mai incarca in ea, si se pierde CMOS ora laptop). Bateria este buna inca are 60%, cand am scos putin bateria din laptop, apoi cand am conectat-o inapoi s-a blocat.(sau am facut scurt cand am reconectat-o)
Poate aveti sugestii cum s-o deblochez.
Am vazut si alte pinout-uri pt alte baterii ASUS: si descrierea era:
Pin 1-...-8:
Ma intereseaza daca pot s-o deblochez fara aparatul tester, daca conectez
T pin la + sau la masa?
Am vazut pe internet ca uneori unele baterii se deblocheaza in felul acesta-nu am tester-ul trebuie sa incerc asa, sau dati-mi alte sugestii cum s-o deblochez
It got blocked due to a reason.
If the battery got a short while you were disconnecting it and it got locked due to this reason you need to charge it a bit the battery. For this, connect the T pin to GND then use a lab power supply, limit the current to 200mA and increase the voltage until you see a current flowing. If there is no current flowing and all the connections are done correctly then the battery has a PF flag set. There is nothing else you can do to fix it without a device like NLBA1.
Thanks for the info.I will try this.
But I still need confirmed the pinout.
Is the pinout identical to C21N1509.
Pin 1-...-8:
(I am assuming this because it is similar shape like C21N1634
and same number of pins:8)
You can try it. Check chapter 7 from the user manual: www.laptopu.ro/download.
Can I read smart battery status on I2C bus with usb to i2c converter:
a.MCP2221 Microchip
b.ftdichip:UMFT200XD-01 Modul: USB-UART; USB to I2C, FT200XD, FTDI
I am considering just to connect GND I2C data/clock lines and can I read battery status?
If those adapters support 100kHz bus frequency and comply with SMBUS timing requirements you could try it. Out of curiosity me tried CH341A usb/i2c/uart adapter to read Smbus. Communication was awful, with a lot of garbage in the packets, because ch341a does not comply with timing on smbus. But about 10% of packets were received correctly. So just to read few parameters it could be used, but not for reprogramming the chip.
SMBUS has its own requirements, and its not the same as I2C. To read Smart Battery chips correctly, use dedicated usb-to-smbus adapters like CP2112, EV2300, EV2400, USB-GPIO.
From budget alternatives you could use also Arduino, FX2LP or Philips LPT-i2c.
They working nice on smbus as well on i2c buses.
Thanks a lot for your answer.
I decided to go with MCP 2221 usb to i2c adapter that has SMBus option.
Seems like it should be a good option (the other one is only I2C slave(not SMBUs compatible)
I have a few questions:
1.what option do I use? it has 2 options for 3.3V and 5V power supply to the MCP2221 chip. so the SMbus waveforms have "1" logic to 3.3V or 5V which one to use? Which one does smart battery require? 5V SMBus or 3.3V smbus option?
2.I assume that usb to i2c adapter MCP2221 is I2C bus MASTER when connecting to the battery
and Battery is I2C slave-I saw in UEFI documentation that battery SMbus address is oxB=11 so when scanning I2C bus it must respond to this address.
Please confirm if my assumption is correct that battery is I2C slave and USB adapter must be configured as I2C MASTER
3.I will connect 3 wires from the board:GND, I2C clock, I2C data.
Even if battery TEST pin is NOT connected to GND battery should still respond.
Please confirm that I make connections only with the 3 wires above.
1. Smbus uses 3.3v logic levels
2. Battery is Slave at 0x0B (0x16 in 7-bit addressing), Adapter is Bus Master
Please confirm that I make connections only with the 3 wires above
Correct. Additional wires could be required to wakeup the chip. In PF state they typically goes into hybernation to minimize power consumption. It should be waked up first for communication by applying external voltage to Pack+ terminal. The value should be in range DV/2 ... CV. Its recommended to apply it through series resistor 50...470 Ohm. In some cases it could prevent fuse from being blown.
Let's say you establish the communication with the chip, what will you do next ? There are only a few public commands to read SBS parameters which can be done with any OS (Windows, Linux, etc) battery check software.
I have downloaded:
Smart Battery Data
Revision 1.1
December 11, 1998
I will just give command:
and then I will take it from there and give some other battery commands.
I just want to see that battery is responding.
I decided to go with MCP 2221 usb to i2c adapter that has SMBus option
Does this adapter have any public software say from manufacturer or from third-party developers?
If no, you could stuck in developing your own tools which could be not reasonable to read just several SBS registers.
I will just give command:
Keep in mind, that this register is only mentioned in SBS, actually its not standard and maker specific, so for full details makers Technical Reference Manual should be used for OpCodes description. In your case look for bq30z55 or bq30z554 TRMs.
>Does this adapter have any public software say from manufacturer or from >third-party developers?
Yes I have checked the API it has C# and C++ API and 2 apps on Microchip.com web site. It seems ok - and seems easy to write some bit of code.
The only problem is that I cannot find this CHIP/USB Board in right now - I cannot find it - I will wait some more...
I have the API and I am ready to write some code-but I don't have the hardware yet-I might decide to make the board myself (just get the Microchip MCP 2221), get a 3.3V stabilizer and make a small prototype board...
Question:where can I find Technical Reference Manual that should be used for OpCodes for bq30z55 or bq30z554 TRMs?
I am ready to write some code-but I don't have the hardware yet-I might decide to make the board myself (just get the Microchip MCP 2221), get a 3.3V stabilizer and make a small prototype board...
Does it worth so much efforts to read battery parameters???
Silabs CP2112 costs just $3 on Alibaba marketplace, and $5 in local stores. It's ready to use and have even free demo version of battery software.
where can I find Technical Reference Manual that should be used for OpCodes for bq30z55 or bq30z554 TRMs?
Its available in Google.