I could unseal chip and read EEPROM. so I guess it could be LGC firmware, but it can not unlock.
This battery produced by Simplo Technology and uses CosLight cells so firmware most probably not LGC but SMP.
@azzido thanks for hepin, battery was working after you remote unlocked. But after charging it , overcharged alarm appeared and now it doesnt discharge.
@azzido yes, battery is almost new, but FCC was around 471 when client brought it, after charging it rised to 534.
It seems not to be LGC but SMP firmware, so FCC doesnt change in NLBA
I reset remotely many batteries, I don't remember your battery. But I know there is a specific firmware which does not store the FCC in eeprom, at least, I did not find it.
@azzido I understand. Yes you have told me in whatsapp " this battery no idea where it stores FCC. It is SMP"