Why did you reset battery production date ?..
@djibattworkshop I just select the write column that is available, is there a problem if I edit the production date?
@djibattworkshop sory, i didnt know about this before, Please help me sir.
is there a problem if I edit the production date?
Yes. It is considered like abuse of our product. New date means new battery but it is actually not so it could confuse potential buyers. It is like reset milage counter on the used car to sell it like a new car.
It is different battery.
@djibattworkshop i get same firmware batt from this forum, and i flash back to original firm battery battery
It is not same firmware. Check Design Voltage, Manufacture Date and other Static parameters. They are completely different.
Reflash back with initial backup eeprom.
Reflash the chip.
Now only one cell is detected. Chip was bricked by writing another eeprom. We dont recommend reflashing chips by random dumps from forum. It could damage controller.