hello pls i need help on how to unlock this dell battery . what to to first cos i dont want to make mistake.
First press Unseal button and after Clear Errors button.
That's it. Do this and paste screenshot with the results after.
the result of the unseal
the result of erorr cleared
the result of the parameters, is still showing lock but is charging but is not discharging. what should i do
still showing lock but is charging
show how its charging
It's impossible that the battery is charging with these parameters.
Some dataflash values are corrupted DESIGN CAPACITY = 0.
Also Charging Voltage & Charging Current =0.
Some dataflash values are corrupted DESIGN CAPACITY = 0
Its typical for many Dell batteries in locked state. Actually DF is Ok, only RAM is confused. After clearing error DC is recovered to factory DF value.
Yes it's true that Dell batteries with PF most values go to 0. But I have never seen DC also to be 0, usually only dynamic parameters. Also I saw on the screenshot that he unsealed the chip and cleared errors.
FCC was 0 before after PF clear it's 5403.
Also Max Error has become 100% from 0, RSOC & ASOC have changed.
That's why I think that DF is corrupted since DC is still 0.
Not all error still cleared.
Manufacture Access 0xA90A means chip is in Current Overload state. Quite annoying error on Dell batteries. In many cases cant be cleared by sending PF_Clear command. On some batteries it was possible to clear it by only disconnecting all the cells from the PCB and letting it powered Off for 30min to let the all capacitors to self-discharge thus fully clearing RAM registers.
the parameters
the charging log. and what can i do to make it start discharging.
@djibattworkshop so i u sujesting that i should disconnet the hole battery from the PCB and wait for 30mins and reconnet it back.
see what is doing in charging mood
As soon as the chip is Locked, Charging Tab cannot perform a charging.
Check these:
- Is thermal fuse fine ?
- Have you connected the System Present pin ?