received this battery with big unbalance of above 500mv. balanced the cells.
cells seem to be fine
discharging is fine
but charging in pulses with very low current
Start discharge and check all mosfets with a fingertips for any signs of overheating.
Start discharge and check all mosfets with a fingertips for any signs of overheating.
no overheating
left the battery in charge state for little long and soc now 100%
now calibrating. will update after completion.
FCC remained same. pls suggest.
left the battery in charge state for little long and soc now 100%
It looks like a chip bug.
now calibrating.
Calibration could not be done correctly due to charge issue.
FCC remained same.
It was huge unbalance during calibration.
can FCC be updated remotely?
me dont have license for this chip