chip is unsealed but unable to read eeprom. how to read/save?
probably chip is not unsealed
This chip was added to supported list by mistake. It is actually not supported.
is it possible to unseal/reprogram remotely?
just need to adjust the CC.
You could try unseal over Remote Server.
after 1 full charge, v.big imbalance appeared
Measure each cell with multimeter.
is it because of cells resistance difference?
Measure each cell with multimeter.
actual voltages are same
Try the following. Balance the cells, charge the battery to full. Balance the cells. Then run one full discharge / charge cycle. If imbalance will be over 50mV cells should be considered to replace.
actual voltages are same
Do you mean all cells voltages are equal and the same or cells voltages measured are the same like on BatInfo tab picture ?..
Do you mean all cells voltages are equal and the same or cells voltages measured are the same like on BatInfo tab picture ?.
mean voltages are as on Batinfo tab. they match exactly