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Ticket Software 4.2 fails to operate after a few uses requiring a reboot to work again.

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4.2 NIP software.  I'm able to read maybe 3 batteries before the software stops working.  All the batteries are the same, so they all connect the same way.  But when the software stops working, it will not read any data from the battery at all, and it requires me to do a complete restart of the computer system to get the software to read the battery again.  I don't have to tell you that this is a MAJOR inconvience and never mind about a killer to productivity.  If I only had a couple of batteries to reset, it wouldn't be a problem but I have 100's of batteries to reset, and restarting the system every 3 or 4 batteries is already sucking big time!  Anything We can do about this?

Topic starter Posted : 09/05/2023 7:32 am
Trusted Member

It just happened again, except it failed mid test.  I was reloading the EEPROM from a saved file, and all of a sudden it failed.  went back to read battery and nothing.  It is still connected to your system, so maybe you can see something.   I'm frustrated after being on a HUGE high.  I have reset 4 batteries each with 2 terminals, and have rebooted my system 3 times.  Not cool. 

Topic starter Posted : 09/05/2023 7:50 am
Member Moderator
Posted by: @power2spare

I have 100's of batteries to reset,

   Could you please explain what are you resetting on these batteries ?

  Have you replaced a cells with new cans ?


Posted : 09/05/2023 10:27 am
Member Moderator
Posted by: @power2spare

I'm able to read maybe 3 batteries before the software stops working

 We have thousands of customers and you are the first who reports described issue. It could be something specific to your PC or setup. 

Posted : 09/05/2023 10:29 am
Member Moderator
Posted by: @power2spare

  I was reloading the EEPROM from a saved file,

 It is absolutely unnecessary step which could brick the chip. We never recommend to read and write saved eeprom. It is required only for specific repair cases. 

Posted : 09/05/2023 10:31 am
Trusted Member


It is impossible to open the cases to replace the cells.  Opening the case would destroy the case.  Everything has to be done via software.  

Well since I had just started using the program, I wanted to make sure that the error wasn't user error.  I'm also in game development, so I know that bugs are only bugs if they are reproduceable.  

So here is what I have discovered:  

There does seem to be a software not responding error that happens, and it seems to only happen on Unseal/boot - Seal/Boot operation.  I took a picture of that and have attached it.  The program went into a non-responsive mode. 

There also seems to be conditions when the battery will not read any data no matter what. During this situation, that if you go between the different tabs, that the program will freeze up, and no function will work.  You have to terminate the task, and reboot, because when you simply restart the program, it goes back into the same state it was in.  Something of the program must reside in memory, or during this type of situation a memory leak occurs.  This is the majority of the errors I got yesterday.   

Only one time did the program stop functioning during a test which happened yesterday, I discarded the battery, so it didn't happen again. 

I successfully used the program all day today without a single failure of the program nor having to reboot/restart the program.

FYI....just because you have thousands of clients doesn't mean a failure can't happen.  I bet I'm the only one that is working with these types of batteries, which sets me apart from all your other clients.

IMG 0999


Topic starter Posted : 10/05/2023 8:35 pm
Member Moderator
Posted by: @power2spare

Everything has to be done via software.  

  Quite interesting thought. But it is impossible to do everything via software. Me explained you why in another post before you purchased device. Lets suppose cells lost capacity and should be replaced. How to replace a cells just via software ?..

 Another case, fuse was blown due to big imbalance between the cells. It is typical scenario for many batteries when any of the cell lose their characteristics. For safety concerns chip blows a fuse to isolate such a pack from being used. Could you suggest an idea how to recover a fuse without case disassembly by just using a software ?.. 


Posted : 10/05/2023 9:24 pm
Trusted Member


These either work or they do not work.  There is no fixing them manually.  If I am unable to restore them via software, I sell them as scrap batteries.  Simple as that.  I move onto the next unit.  I sell hundreds of thousands of batteries a year, and only recently have some come in that have been locked down.  I sell bad batteries by the TON, so if I cannot resolve by software, in the scrap bin it goes.   I have figured out a way to unlock them using your device, and noticed some issues with the software.  I have reported that to you for your benefit.  Whether you choose to listen is up to you. 

Topic starter Posted : 10/05/2023 9:51 pm
Trusted Member


I started a battery resetting session tonight, and I got 2 batteries done, then all of a sudden the reader stopped working on all batteries.  It wasn't reading anything from any batteries even batteries that I know are brand new and have no problem.  The connections are good and in the right order like all the other ones I have been working with.  All the batteries are the same exact model BA-316, therefore it isn't the connect order that is the problem.  I have moved the computer within feet of the router and the internet connection running at gigabit speeds.  The only thing that is odd is the software goes in and out of non-responding mode.  

My system is a brand new not used for any other application other than your program, that is what I bought the computer for.  It will never be used to browse the internet, or send email or play games, it is for your program alone!   The only thing on it is Windows 11 / Anti-virus / and your software. 

Up until today, it was working just fine.  I had a resetting session that last over 12 hours, and now after just 2 resets, it is failing over and over.  

Sure could use some help, because I'm dead in the water now.  

Topic starter Posted : 13/05/2023 3:39 am
Trusted Member


I just tried to update my last post, and the forum gave me the option to save the edit, but it didn't, and now the forum doesn't give me the option to edit at all now, so I have to post the edit here now.

After messing around with the Probe leads in the battery terminals, there doesn't seem to be a solid connection on the clock and data points.  If i wiggle the connections around I can sometimes get a reading but holding the probes on the exact position on the terminals is impossible for a constant reading let alone performing a reset.  Does some sort of maintanence have to be done to the probes?  because the terminals are the terminals on the batteries, they remain the same.  Any ideas on what can be done? 

Topic starter Posted : 13/05/2023 4:08 am
Trusted Member


Ok, I have determined that it is definately the Probes on your cables that are the problem. They are not making enough connection for the software to read the batteries.  I have build a different terminal connector using allagator clips and the BOOM solid connection and all the batteries that were failing are not reading without an issue.  When the electronic store opens tomorrow I will upgrade from allagator clips becuase they are too bulky and difficult to get from touching other terminals. But the question still remains, what can be done with your probes so that a better connection can be made?

Topic starter Posted : 13/05/2023 7:09 am
Member Moderator

 Having in view there are hundreds of different battery types on the market it is impossible to supply probes to match every setup. So only several most popular types of connectors are included in standard device package. These connectors are basically designed to work with LAPTOP batteries because NLBA1 is positioned on the market as LAPTOP battery analyzer. Medical equipment batteries were never tested in the lab and so correct work is not guaranteed. 


Posted : 13/05/2023 8:50 am
Member Moderator
Posted by: @power2spare

But the question still remains, what can be done with your probes so that a better connection can be made?

 The solution is to manufacture dedicated connector for these specific batteries. This is what our customers typically do when supplied probes do not fit their batteries. 

Posted : 13/05/2023 8:56 am
Trusted Member


Sadly that is exactly what I have determined has to be done. 

Topic starter Posted : 13/05/2023 10:18 am
danut.p liked
Member Moderator

 But this is what we discussed before device purchase, that your batteries have slide type of connector and special adapter should be manufactured for proper communication.

 You even planned to use Charger board pcb for that purposes.


Posted : 13/05/2023 11:07 am
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