@torture I requested someone to provide me the backup file for this battery when we concluded that there is no any solution so far.
He sent me the .senc file (did not have nlba1) and we need .eep file also he shared me the test battery log.
I didn't have sanyo tool otherwise If both tool were present at my lab for friend like this situation it could be written in some Lenovo bq8050A chip temporarily (when orig batt not in hand) and dump could be read through NLBA1 device to share eep dump with him.
I requested someone to provide me the backup
Writing dump from another battery could fix charge current issue but could create cells voltage calibration issue. Because each production lot has its own unique calibration constants.
Check this topic where customer encountered this new issue.
Cells voltages false unbalance about 80mV appeared after eeprom reflashing. It then causes charge issues because chip thinks some cells are overcharged and not allow to fully charge the battery.
So the proper solution is writing back original patched eeprom.
Provide your email or WhatsApp.
Also tell whether you have Lenovo laptop available to check the battery.
What is present cells voltages on BatInfo tab ?..
Reflash with patched eeprom. Then paste updated picture.
Go to charge tab and charge a battery to 50%. Then check battery in laptop.
@djibattworkshop Yes, only the current is modified, as the eep file has but unsupported problem that was still there. I already know that Lenovo has unique IDs (SDI) and it does not work but I tried as last option may be It work.
try the FIX2 eeprom
try FIX3
Download NirSoft Battery Info View app, run it and paste a picture.